Visual effects experts don’t want to work with Marvel!

Marvel, which has achieved great viewing numbers with its superhero movies, is breaking box office records with new movies released every year. Marvel, which will appear with new films this year, seems to have difficulties for its new projects. The reason for this problem is shown as the fact that visual effects experts do not want to work with Marvel.

VFX experts don’t want to work with Marvel

As it is known, visual effects are indispensable in Marvel movies. Eating the fruits of visual effects in every movie, Marvel produces very successful films in this regard. However, the people who prepared these visual effects are quite complaining about the situation.

Which Marvel movies will be released this year?

Reaching millions of viewers by releasing many films every year, Marvel is preparing to break records again with its 2022 films.

Visual effects experts say they feel a lot of pressure, with unrealistic deadlines and highly stressful working conditions. Critics of the studio’s visual effects management also say that they never want to work on a Marvel project again.

Visual effects experts who share their problems on Reddit touch on many different issues. Visual effects workers gathered under the r/VFX topic say that poor working conditions cannot be met with money or fame.

Stating that the deadlines have very short time intervals, visual effects experts believe that they cannot get their money’s worth. Employees also underline that they did not thrive during their time at Marvel. There are also visual effects experts who say that they experienced insomnia and malnutrition when they took on the studio’s project.

It is stated that the studio may have difficulties in finding a visual effects specialist in its future projects. It is a matter of curiosity how the company will follow if no one wants to work with Marvel.

So what do you think about the working conditions at Marvel? Will Sice studio have any problems with visual effects in the next period? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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