Visa Will Support Small Businesses for NFTs

Visa has launched a program to support small businesses with NFTs. Within the scope of this program, small-scale businesses that continue their work in some sectors will be supported for 1 year in subjects such as NFT creation and marketing.

One of the world’s largest payment intermediaries Visaannounced that it has taken an important step in the crypto money world. According to the statements made by the company, businesses will now be supported to transact with NFTs. The program will be in the testing phase for a while; selected small businesses working in industries such as music, fashion and film to the world of NFT it will take a step.

With the program created according to the statements made by Visa, participants can learn about creating NFT, reaching communities, how to do NFT and other technical issues. assistance will be provided. The process, which will continue for a year, requires businesses to create their own NFTs and use them. of marketing will pave the way.

“100 billion dollar market”

Cuy Sheffield, the number one name of Visa’s crypto currency unit, made some statements on the subject. For the content generation economy of NFTs very powerful accelerator Sheffield, who said that he believed that the to innovative opportunities He said they would help guide him.


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Visa also touched upon the data released by market research company Influencer Marketing Hub. The economy of content creation, according to Visa’s statements 100 billion dollars It has become a market and this situation cannot be ignored any longer. But at this point you may be wondering why Visa prefers NFTs. Because a company like Visa could serve small businesses in many areas. The reason for such a situation is that the company he cares formation. In fact, Visa has recently taken a decision and started providing consultancy services to its customers on cryptocurrencies.

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