Veterans sound the alarm: UFOs could control nuclear missiles *** BILDplus content *** – News abroad

Air Force veterans are sounding the alarm

UFOs could gain power over nuclear missiles

Photo: BILD

The US government has already investigated mysterious UFO sightings over the past 17 years. But the resulting “Pentagon Report” published in June was more like an official shrug. In the eleven-page report that was made public, it was recorded almost resignedly: It would be unclear which strange flying objects, often in tic-tac form, buzzing around close to military installations and naval units.

A slap in the face for UFO fans and eyewitnesses – too little, too imprecise! Now a group of former Air Force officers is calling for cases going back further, including many UFO sightings in the 1960s, to be investigated and documented.

Read in BILD what the Air Force officers are calling for.

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