Very Clear Artificial Intelligence Decision from Medium: No Money Will Be Made

Personal blogging platform Medium has put a definitive stop to the content produced by artificial intelligence. Users who share artificial intelligence content will not be able to earn money within the scope of the affiliate program.

One of the world’s most popular personal blog platforms Mediumhas made a decision that concerns all its users. According to this decision, authors who earn money from the platform within the scope of the partnership program will be limited to artificial intelligence-focused content. they won’t be able to make money. Medium will take a very clear stance on this issue.

According to the statement, Medium’s new decision is May 1, 2024 It will be valid as of the date. Authors who were found to use artificial intelligence in their content as of that date, can be excluded from the affiliate program.

Still, support can be obtained from artificial intelligence

In its statement on the subject, Medium stated that the authors still use artificial intelligence. that they can get support told. However, there will be an important issue here. Let’s say you received support from artificial intelligence in a content you shared on Medium. You can do this in the article you created in the first two paragraphs You will have to specify. Otherwise you will be kicked out of the affiliate program.


It Was Revealed That Adobe, Which Criticized Midjourney and DALL-E, Trained Firefly with Artificial Intelligence

The main reason why Medium made such a decision is that people He doesn’t want them to get away easily.. As you know, artificial intelligence can produce articles very quickly, but the accuracy and saturation of this article is still a matter of debate. That being the case, Medium Decrease in the quality of the platform Looks like he couldn’t afford it.

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