Venture Capitalist Questioned Solana’s Market Value: Disconnected from Reality!

Venture capitalist Jason Calacanis made harsh criticisms about the market value of Solana, which has attracted attention with the rises it has experienced in recent weeks.

Jason Calacanis on social media December 28 in your postSolana’s Market value of $46 billionhe questioned. Experienced name Solana DoorDash, palantir And Spotify It sparked a debate on the rationality behind cryptocurrency valuations by comparing them to established companies such as.

With Solana’s valuation apparent incompatibility between concrete business practices Focusing on the project’s income and earnings data He claimed it was unknown.

If the $46 billion market cap is correct, that’s completely disconnected from reality Stating that he was, Calacanis included the following statements in the details of his statement:

I’ve been asking people about real business or consumer applications that would justify Solana being valued at $46 billion (!!!) and no one can name a single application of that scale. What is Solana’s income or earnings? This isn’t financial advice, but if the market cap here is accurate, it’s completely disconnected from reality.

Bitcoin supporter who recently made a statement max keiserpredicted that Solana would experience a major decline in 2024.

According to CoinGecko data, Solana, which has lost 6.7% in value in the last 24 hours, is traded at $ 105 at the time of writing.

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