‘VAT Discount’ Coming to Housing Prices

It has been announced that the Revenue Administration has made a study to reduce housing prices. This study puts an important touch on the VAT applied when buying a house. If this study comes into effect, the price of a 155 square meter apartment with a value of 1 million lira will decrease by approximately 100 thousand TL.

The government has been making various efforts to improve the economic conditions we have been in for a while. For example, some time ago it was applied in food products. Regarding the reduction of VAT to 1 percent a decision had been made. Similar work now also for residences looks like. Let’s take a closer look at the details of the work, which is believed to relieve both the citizen who wants to buy a house and the construction companies.

According to the information obtained President of revenue management, as a result of the negotiations, brought the bilateral VAT system to the fore. This new system will reach 150 square meters, which is an important limit for citizens who will buy a house. will provide flexibility. According to the regulation, citizens can purchase a house with 8 percent VAT for the net size up to 150 square meters, and the size of 151 square meters and above. for the remainder They will pay 18 percent VAT.

The price of a 150 square meter apartment will decrease by approximately 100 thousand TL.

According to the current system, a citizen who buys a house up to 150 square meters for 1 million TL, 80 thousand lira VAT it pays. If an apartment of 150 square meters or more is purchased for the same price, the VAT paid 180 thousand pounds. Because of the size of the house, the VAT rate is 18 percent. The study changes the current system as follows: Citizens will pay 80 thousand lira VAT for the 150 square meter section. For the area exceeding 150 square meters, 18 percent VAT will be paid. Of course, how many of us can afford to buy a house over 155 square meters, it continues to be a separate question mark…


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Industry representatives welcome this work. in the near future Planned to be presented to President Erdogan It is believed that the work will both increase demand and reduce prices. However, let’s say that it is still too early to talk about this. Considering that there is still a need for time for the work to take effect, it is not clear what the conditions of that day will be. So even if there is such an arrangement increased costs may not be due to a price drop.

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