Valneva gave the good news for the COVID-19 vaccine!

based in France Valneva, developed COVID-19 vaccine confident for himself. But last month, England canceled its 100 million dose contract with Valneva. British Minister of Health and Social Services Sajid Javid, He gave a very ambitious speech on this subject. The minister suggested that the vaccine would not receive approval from the drug regulator. But French researchers have announced the new results.

Meanwhile, the company Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare Products Regulatory Authority (MHRA) aims to obtain approval from Europe’s own drug regulator.

New decision from the USA on coronavirus vaccines

The US Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the third booster dose of the BioNTech vaccine 6 months after the second dose.

Valneva vaccine is stronger than AstraZenaca!

France-based pharmaceutical company, coronavirus vaccine Oxford/AstraZeneca He explained that he induced a stronger immune response than the vaccine. Researchers use this view of Valneva’s large-scale from the third phase trial based on their findings.

Results of the Valneva COVID-19 vaccine phase studies
(Photo: AFP)

IndependentAccording to the news of , Valneva in COVID-19 vaccine trials AstraZeneca A comparison was made with the vaccine. Accordingly, the data suggest that Valneva has a higher neutralizing effect than those receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine. produce antibodies showed. It also helps maintain long-term immunity. T cell response They also found that it increased. T cells find and destroy infected cells.

Meanwhile, Valneva researchers side effects clarified the issue. Valneva vaccine produced fewer side effects compared to AstraZenaca. No serious side effects were reported throughout the trial. The pharmaceutical company is launching its third phase trial at 26 trial sites in the UK. 4 thousand 12 did it voluntarily. Valneva officials stated that their vaccines are effective against various variants, including the Delta variant.

Valneva vaccine, in terms of technology AstraZeneca, modern and Pfizer/Biontech It’s not like vaccines. because inactivated virus carrying. well SARS COV-2It contains genetic material taken from . This well-established traditional method seasonal flu, hepatitis A, polio, and rabies forms the basis of vaccines.

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