USA can’t give up on F-16! F-16 and F-35 comparison!

The United States ranks first among the world’s largest inventories, especially when it comes to aviation. It was a matter of curiosity what the country, which has a successful aviation industry history, would do with the F-16s after its F-35 dream. An important statement came from the USA on this issue, and with this statement, the question “Is the F-16 better or the F-35?” comes to mind. The question also came. Here are the details about the subject…

We can already hear your reactions to the title, “Does it seem like it’s a bit exaggerated?” Because it was a well-known fact that the United States would not give up its passion for the F-16. However, “Is the F-16 better or the F-35?” We can say that the query is a known situation that is parallel to the other phenomenon. Because the subject matter is fundamentally different.

First of all, the statement about F-16 aircraft made by the United States. The United States Air Force (USAF) has initiated the largest modernization drive in the country’s history for 608 F-16 type aircraft distributed from six main command centers to 18 American bases. The fleet of 608 aircraft includes F-16 CD Block 40-42 and Block 50-52 types of aircraft.

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The Machinery and Chemical Industry made a giant agreement with the USA at the Eurosatory 2024 Defense Fair held in Paris, the capital of France!

With the work to be carried out within the scope of the PoBIT program, F-16 C and D type aircraft produced between 1988 and 2005 will receive Block 70 modernization. According to the map of the program, the modernized aircraft will enter the inventory one by one by 2040. Thus, in addition to being the country with the most F-16s in its inventory, the United States will also have the title of being the air force with the most Block 70 modernizations.

At the end of our news, let us actually give you the answer to the main question in the title. If we ask whether there is a clear answer to the question of F-16 or F-35, we would answer this question with “no”. Because the F-35 is an aircraft that is focused especially on air-land missions and cannot be detected by radar. However, the F-16 is an aircraft that demonstrates great mastery, especially in air-air missions, namely dogfights.

In short, one is a sand horse and the other is a grass horse. So what do you think? Please don’t forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.

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