US Technologies May Not Be Available in Russia

After Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s statements about the Ukraine crisis last night, rumors began to circulate that “the same policy as the US applied to Huawei could be applied to Russia”.

With the statements of Russian President Vladimir Putin last night, the whole world was shaken and the signals of the Third World War were given. After the Russian leader’s statements on the Ukraine crisis, NATO, the European Union, the USA and the UK, They condemned Russia they had explained.

If Russia continues the policy announced last night, the United States will It can apply a similar process to Russia as it did to Huawei. Within the scope of this policy, the United States is responsible for security violations of Huawei devices. banned from trading in the USA and it has been a hot topic in recent years.

If the embargo is imposed, Russia will not be able to procure and use US origin technologies.

(A map of companies in Silicon Valley)

This policy of the USA is called the Foreign Direct Product Rule. Depending on its scope, this rule applies to Russian technologies of US origin. may restrict its ability to supply or use. As you know, when this policy is applied to Huawei, the company market share had bottomed out.

So what will happen in Russia if these rules are applied? Right after the embargo App Store support and basic protocols as it will be cut iPhone and Android devices become less functional. Apple and Google to their devices in Russia has to stop sending updates. Apps developed in Russia are blocked from sending updates to US app markets. Telephone networks and data centers They are also prohibited from using American software or hardware.


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In other words, Russia’s ability to use any US-dependent technology in any way imaginable. use will be restricted.. Of course, Russia is in terms of natural resources and its economy. won’t be hit easily a countrybut with such technology embargoes especially the public How to deal with it is a question.

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