US Politician Announces 9 Altcoins in His Basket and His Predictions!

US politician and cryptocurrency advocate David Gokhshtein shared the list of the best altcoin projects to watch in 2022. He also shared his general forecasts for the market. We share your comments as…

What does David Gokhshtein expect in the markets in 2022?

Talking about the recent recession in the market, Gokhshtein said that even if another long-term recession comes, his confidence in cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain technology that supports them will not be shaken; he said it’s more than just making a big financial profit. In a recent interview, Gokhshtein conceded short-term defeat when faced with the fact that Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) will fall well below their high price targets of $100,000 and $10,000 respectively by the end of 2021.

But in the long run it was still in an uptrend. He says he is optimistic that the uptrend will continue and eventually reach these price points in the first quarter of 2022. Still, Gokhshtein said that a slower and steady move for Bitcoin and Ethereum could be best for the two leading cryptos. The crypto evangelist said such a rally would be “more organic” than past bull markets.

Here are the altcoin projects on Gokhshtein’s radar!

The following eight altcoins are the ones that Gokhshtein says he trusts the most. He noted that besides these cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum investments are also available.

  • Chainlink (LINK): With a market cap of $9 billion, Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that provides external data to blockchains.
  • Polkadot (DOT): With a market cap of $24.8 billion, Polkadot (DOT) is a multi-chain protocol designed to connect Blockchains with different technical qualities and features that can allow cross-transfer of messages and assets.
  • VeChain (VET): With a market cap of $5.3 billion, VeChain is a layer 1 smart contract platform that hopes to solve data problems for real-world industries such as medicine and energy.
  • Hedera (HBAR): With a market cap of $5.6 billion, Hedera is a platform that allows individuals and businesses to build decentralized applications.
Famous Strategist Announces 16 Altcoins in His Basket for 2022!
  • XRP: With a market cap of $42.2 billion, XRP is a crypto that enables instant settlement of payments across the globe. XRP fell 12 months ago when the SEC filed a $1.3 billion lawsuit against Ripple, but Gokhshtein noted that XRP continues to rise if regulatory clarity emerges.
  • Ecomi (OMI): With a market cap of $1 billion, Ecomi is a company with a social network that allows users to trade virtual items. Gokhshtein said he would like to hear more about the company that signed an NFT license agreement with DC.
  • Cardano (ADA): With a market cap of $43.1 billion, Cardano is a platform that empowers people to build decentralized applications on Blockchain. Gokhshtein named this token the best complement for ETH.
  • Harmony (ONE): With a market cap of $2.8 billion, Harmony is a platform designed to foster the creation of decentralized applications. Gokhshtein claimed that this lesser-known token could be better than Polygon.

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