Urban Legends Contrary to Science

There are many urban legends that are not even known when they emerged and therefore are accepted by everyone, but contradict with science. Because of these myths, which are common all over the world, sometimes even human health is adversely affected. We examined the popular urban legends that contradicted science and told what the truth is.

No matter where in the world you live or what culture you grew up in, you’ve probably heard of urban legends that have never had a logical or scientific explanation. generally These myths that contradict science, maybe because it has been heard in that geography for hundreds of years, even in the world. goes against science It is nobody’s business and it is still believed as if it were real.

Urban legends that contradict science, They are different from superstitions such as nails are not cut at night. The problem is that they really do have scientific elements in them, but these elements are misinterpreted. Although it is pleasant to have them in our lives as a cultural tradition contrary to science It is useful to know urban legends and myths only as a product of oral culture and to consult experts on necessary issues.

Debunked urban legends that contradict science:

  • Humans only use 10% of their brain.
  • Snapping fingers damages joints.
  • The moon has a dark side.
  • Organic foods are healthier.
  • The full moon influences human behavior.
  • 5G base stations are deadly.
  • Lightning does not strike the same place twice.
  • Sugar consumption causes hyperactivity in children.

Humans only use 10% of their brain:


While it’s an urban legend so common that movies will be made and books written about, the myth that we only use 10% of our brains is completely false. Even so, during the day every nerve in every part of our brain It is definitely used and consumes a lot of energy.

According to the article published on the Scientific American website, our brain uses 20% of oxygen and glucose. So it works so hard that it consumes a fifth of our energy. The reason for this urban legend may be that every part of our brain is not working at all hours of the day. However, this situation is similar to the fact that our legs do not work while sitting.

Snapping fingers damages joints:

finger snapping

Cracking our fingers, wrists, elbows by moving them left or right or by pulling them out. it gives us all a strange feeling of pleasantness but a related urban legend says that this move hurts the joints. This myth was completely refuted by a study that earned Donald Unger the Nobel Prize.

In the study, Unger cracked the fingers of one hand daily for 60 years, but never touched the other. As a result, both hands joint health was exactly the same. The snapping action only causes gas pressure to come out of the capsule containing the synovial fluid in the joints, and a snapping sound is produced. If there is a different sound or pain than normal, then you can see a doctor.

The Moon has a dark side:


Unfortunately, refuting this myth may cause science fiction movies to suffer from a lack of story, but The moon has no dark side. Because the Moon rotates just like all planets and moons. Just as the Earth is exposed to the Sun’s rays in order according to its rotation speed, the Moon is also exposed to the same rays as it rotates.

The reason for the emergence of the urban legend that contradicts this science is that the Moon is only visible when viewed from Earth. seen in 59% conceivable. However, as the Moon rotates, the field we see is changing, although not as fast as we thought. In any case, the 41% area that we do not see is not completely plunged into darkness. We just can’t see it.

ALL GMO foods are unhealthy:

organic food

Especially for a period, genetically modified organisms, that is, foods with GMOs are harmful, cause cancer, It is said to cause health problems. Of course, GMO foods have deviated from their purpose due to the food industry, in which out-of-control GMO food production, unregulated agriculture and irresponsible producers play a role.

With GMOs, it is ensured that a type of food that does not normally grow in an area, perhaps because of some kind of insect, is grown. However, GMO is used today for more mass production, faster production. Thanks to the widespread cultivation of rice, which is rich in vitamin A, many regions in Asia are spared from starvation. Moreover, these products have less nutritional value than organic products. nor unhealthy. They have only been made most efficient for humanity by artificial selection over the years.

The full moon affects human behavior:

full moon

The full moon affects the fluids in the human brain just as it creates tides in the seas, and therefore, at the time of the full moon, it people are more angry There is a common urban legend about it. Moreover, this myth is widespread enough to form a basis for the fantastic monster stories that everyone knows, such as werewolves.

According to the article published on the BBC website, the relationship between the full moon and human behavior was observed, but there was no direct effect. It is known that crimes committed during the full moon increased, and the number of police officers on duty in the United Kingdom increased during this period. However, the only reason for this situation is that the time of the full moon coincides with holidays and weekends. So it’s vacation time people who drink too much alcohol, They use the full moon as an excuse for their crimes.

5G base stations are deadly:


5G base stations were built, the coronavirus epidemic started, They built it in our neighborhood, my uncle got cancer Many myths, such as 5G base stations, are deadly, especially on the Internet. However, the radiofrequency emitted by these base stations has nothing to do with your headache, let alone coronavirus or cancer.

According to the World Health Organization, the radiofrequency emitted from base stations from drinking coffee or pouring thyme into your food. nothing more harmful. Studies show that there is no negative effect in employees exposed to radiofrequency, that there is no increase in brain tumors after the widespread use of mobile phones, and that there is no direct relationship between any health problems and radiofrequency.

Lightning does not strike the same place twice:


It has become a saying that has passed the urban legend that lightning will not strike the same place twice. However, it is completely wrong. Lightning is an electrostatic discharge and it strikes wherever it finds. Lightning strikes especially high buildings because these structures have the least distance between them and the lightning source. For example, the Empire State, one of the tallest buildings in the USA, is struck by lightning on average 100 times a year.

NASA conducted a study of 386 clouds in 2003 and observed lightning falling from these clouds. According to this observation, lightning did not fall in one piece, but split into branches. So lightning strike like Zeus lightning It is not in one piece, it can hit more than one point at the same time.

Sugar consumption causes hyperactivity in children:

boy eating candy

The claim that sugar consumption, which is one of the most common urban legends all over the world, causes hyperactivity in children is completely false. The source of this myth after kids eat birthday cake The state of being active only arises because children get excited when they see their friends.

Perhaps the last disease we should fear from sugar is hyperactivity. High sugar use obesity, diabetes, hypertension and even some types of cancer. even cause. It is extremely important to limit sugar consumption in children and adults, even if it does not cause hyperactivity.

There is no end to urban legends that contradict science. with social prejudices Such myths can be considered amusing as long as they are not seen as references about human health. You can share the popular urban legends that you know in the comments.

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