Unlicensed Cryptocurrency Promotions Banned From France!

The Economic Committee of the French National Assembly will ban social media influencers from promoting financial products, including cryptocurrencies, without the regulatory authority’s license.

presented by the French deputies and Economics Committee by the French National Monetary Authority in the new law voted by in an unlicensed manner to influencers and advertising content promoting cryptocurrencies against restrictive practices also took place.

French Committee of Economic Affairs The proposal, which was reviewed by , cited cryptocurrencies or commercial phenomena that introduce financial products and services that pose a risk to consumers, such as NFT, as the main target. basically prevent fraud on social media And to protect consumers In line with this law, which aims to promote the effects of phenomena and content producers who want to promote cryptocurrencies, obtaining a license from the regulatory body will be made mandatory.

On the other hand, it was stated that no organization operating in social media currently has the said license granted by the regulatory agency. Deputy Arthur Delaporte In his statement on the subject, he defended the law with the following sentences:

In this time of political problems, it is time to take action to regulate an area where politicians have been neglected for so long.

In addition, the aforementioned draft law was prepared by using similar mechanisms. ban the advertising of health products, gambling and video games also includes. Persons caught violating bans under the bill two years in prison And $32,000 may be fined.

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