Ukraine is urging Olaf Scholz to make heavy arms deliveries – a dispute at traffic lights

Dmitro Kuleba

The Foreign Minister of Ukraine would like to see more military support from Germany.

(Photo: dpa)

Berlin The Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitro Kuleba is demanding that Chancellor Olaf Scholz make a quick commitment to further German arms deliveries. “I hope that Scholz will make a positive decision,” said Kuleba on Thursday evening in the ARD “Tagesthemen”. Arguments against a delivery of the required weapons are not valid. From Kuleba’s point of view, the war could have been avoided “if Germany had allowed arms deliveries earlier”.

So far, as far as is known, Germany has mainly sent Panzerfausts, machine guns and anti-aircraft missiles as well as steel helmets to Ukraine. When asked about heavy weapons – including tanks – Scholz has so far reacted evasively.

Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck also considers further arms deliveries to be necessary. “More weapons must come,” said the Green politician to the newspapers of the Funke media group. “We cannot leave Ukraine alone in the war. She fights for us too. Ukraine must not lose, Putin must not win.”

When asked about the delivery of heavy weapons, Habeck also referred to “a responsibility not to become a target for attack. That’s the framework within which we deliver everything that’s possible.” That framework “so far doesn’t include large tanks or fighter planes,” added Habeck. “Of course, brutalizing the war also means increasing the quantity and quality of arms deliveries. But we are discussing that with our European partners and NATO partners,” the Economics Minister continued.

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The CSU in the Bundestag called for speedy decisions on the delivery of heavy weapons to Ukraine. “The time for lengthy traffic lights is over,” said CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt of the German Press Agency. “Germany can and must provide significantly more military support.”

Dobrindt said: “Ukraine’s defense capability needs to be further strengthened, also with heavy weapons, protected vehicles and reconnaissance technology with drones.” These would not only have to be supplied by the Bundeswehr, but above all by industry.

FDP and Greens put pressure on the chancellor

Politicians from the FDP and Greens in particular had recently put pressure on Scholz. The Chair of the Defense Committee, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (FDP), traveled to Ukraine on Tuesday together with the Chairs of the Foreign Affairs Committee and the European Committee, Michael Roth (SPD) and Anton Hofreiter (Greens).

Chancellor Olaf Scholz

The chancellor is coming under more and more pressure.

(Photo: IMAGO/Emmanuele Contini)

All three then spoke out in favor of further arms deliveries. Hofreiter also criticized RTL: “The problem is in the Chancellery.” Habeck and the Greens-tip distanced themselves from the criticism.

>>> Read here: No visit to Ukraine, no heavy weapons: Olaf Scholz is coming under more and more pressure

Meanwhile, a fierce controversy broke out between SPD faction leader Rolf Mützenich and Strack-Zimmermann. With reference to the trip made by the three committee chairmen, Mützenich was critical of demands for further arms deliveries: “There are no easy answers, even when it comes to the delivery of heavy war equipment to Ukraine. Anyone who claims that is acting irresponsibly.”

The images and reports about the war in Ukraine are terrible and disturbing. Under the impression of on-site visits, “it is wrong to demand previously unprecedented decisions without having to answer for them yourself – especially since these could have far-reaching consequences for the security of our country and NATO,” explained Mützenich.

Strack-Zimmermann replied on Thursday evening: “Unfortunately, Rolf Mützenich is one of those who have neither understood nor want to understand the need for their own chancellor to change. He cannot accept that his old, rigid worldview has collapsed.”

The trip was a necessary signal. “Chancellor Scholz has our full support for his turning point. It is now time to lead and to lead the way together as a traffic light, ”emphasized the FDP politician.

More: Canceled turning point? No clear traffic light commitment to the two percent target

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