UK Plans to Take Digital Services Tax on Cryptocurrencies

UK tax agency HMRC, in a recent update on 28 November It included cryptocurrency exchanges in the scope of the digital services tax. According to the Telegraph report, cryptocurrency exchanges in the UK are now %2nd will have to pay a digital services tax, and this tax will likely be passed on to investors as a high transaction fee.

In the report:

There is a wide variety of crypto assets, each with different characteristics. cryptocurrencies; Cryptocurrency exchanges cannot benefit from the exemption for financial markets, as they do not represent commodities, financial contracts or money.

it was said.

Executive Director Ian TaylorHe noted that treating cryptocurrencies differently from other financial instruments such as stocks or commodities hurts the crypto industry. The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) He added that this taxation, which will be introduced after the difficult licensing system for the stock exchanges, could deal a second blow to the sector. Since January, all UK-based crypto-asset companies, AML (anti-money laundering) regulations and register with the FCA.

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