Two New Planets Discovered 105 Light Years Away

Scientists announced that they discovered two new exoplanets in a dwarf star 105 light years away. It was stated that one of these planets could be suitable for life.

As scientists continue their space explorations, we encounter a discovery from the depths of the universe every day. HEplanets These discoveries, including If you ask what an exoplanet is; This name is given to planets that do not belong to our solar system and are orbiting another star. Experts have recently announced that they have discovered a planet that may be covered by an ocean in the past few weeks.

Now, a new explanation has come from astronomers and it has been announced that a new discovery has been made. In the statement, it was stated that two new planets were found in a dwarf star 105 light-years away. Study findings Astronomy & Astrophysics Published on.

One of the planets could be habitable

Scientists are 105 light-years away. TOI-4306 He stated that the red dwarf named dwarf hosts these two rocky exoplanets. In addition, one of the planets stated to have been discovered with the help of NASA’s TESS telescope is from the star. habitable It was also included in the incoming statements that it was at a suitable distance to be able to be.

While the planets are quite exciting, more observations are needed to understand the nature of the planets. Experts add that even if not habitable, rocky planets at a suitable distance from their star are quite rare. Additionally, the study reveals that there are many more planets waiting to be discovered outside our solar system.

Telescopes sensitive to near-infrared waves were used in the expedition. The data obtained in the observations also enabled the discovery of the planet named LP 890-9b for the first time. The team then searched for missed exoplanets with TESS and from LP890-9b discovered the second planet, a little further away. This other planet, which has an orbital period of 8.4 days, is also LP 890-9cname was given. It was stated that the first planet is 13 times the mass of the Earth, and the second is 25 times more. The fact that the planets are rock planets larger than Earth and smaller than Neptune is also ‘Super World‘ made them enter the class.


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Finally, the researchers say there is a possibility that LP 890-9c could be habitable due to its location at the right distance. However, this has yet to it’s too early to get excitedIt is emphasized that additional studies should be done on many issues such as the atmosphere of the planet. We will see developments regarding this promising planet in the future.

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