Twitter will lose 32 million users!

After Elon Musk bought Twitter, he made many radical decisions in the company. The billionaire, who works to increase freedom of expression on the social media platform, lost many advertising companies because of this. If on the user side Twitter Blue Although it tries to generate income with its feature, a research shows that this will not go well.

Twitter will have lost 32 million users in 2024!

Market research company that has been following Twitter since 2008 Insider Intelligence’s According to his prediction, Twitter will lose more than 32 million users in the next two years. The number of users is expected to drop 3.9 percent in 2023 and 5.1 percent the following year, the first annual decline for the company. This is due to technical problems and the proliferation of hateful content.

principal analyst at Insider Intelligence Jasmine Enbergin a statement, “There won’t be a single event that will bring Twitter to an end. Users will be leaving the platform from next year as they are fed up with technical issues and hateful content. Twitter’s 24-hour skeleton staff will not solve the platform’s infrastructure and content moderation problems.” he said.

Elon Musk will extort money from hundreds of thousands of Twitter users!

Elon Musk will extort money from hundreds of thousands of Twitter users!

Elon Musk made a statement about approved accounts on Twitter. Twitter users with blue ticks will be investigated.

According to research, Twitter will have the most users by the end of 2024. USAwill have lost. The number of users, which will decrease by 8.2 million to 50.5 million, will fall to the lowest level in the US borders since 2014. In the UK, a decrease of 1.6 million is expected, while it is estimated that 12.6 million users will continue to be on the platform.

Also, according to the study, the people who will leave the platform the most are “not that loyal and less tolerant of a humiliating attitude”. under 25 and over 45 years old There will be users. Additionally, the research firm provides Twitter’s outlook for ad revenue growth this year. 40 percent rate decreased.

This research shows the opposite of Elon Musk’s target of 1 billion users in 18 months. However, these studies as a result of company data and some surveys on guess It’s good to remember that it’s done.

So, what do you, our readers, think about this? Don’t forget to share your views with us in the Comments section!

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