Twitter Will Charge for Two-Factor Verification SMS

Twitter makes two-step verification, which allows you to receive an SMS code when accessing your account, only for Twitter Blue subscribers.

Elon Musk seems to have started to put this Twitter Blue issue in the eyes of users. Now, ‘plain’ members of Twitter, one of the most used social media platforms in the world, will not be able to use two-step SMS verification.

This move by Twitter’s new management is meant to encourage people to use Twitter Blue, although it’s not said so. Saving on SMS fees thought to be on purpose.

Only Twitter Blue members will be able to use the Two-Factor Verification SMS.

People using two-step verification on their Twitter account may have encountered this above warning when they logged into the app this morning. In summary, it says: “Remove the two-step verification SMS, unless you remove this feature by March 19, 2023, you will lose access to your account.”

The only way to have two-step verification on Twitter after March 19, 2023 is through the platform’s paid subscription system. Join Twitter Blue. Meanwhile, March 19 is only for those who already used two-factor authentication.


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If you want to enter Twitter and turn on two-step SMS verification right now, you will receive the warning in the above image. If you want to continue to keep your account secure, Google Authenticator an authentication application such as or security key you can use options.

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