Twitter Tweet Swipe Coming Next Week

Elon Musk has announced when several new features will be coming to Twitter, including the ‘Tweet swipe’ feature.

The new owner and CEO of Twitter, famous billionaire Elon Musk, said a week ago:Tweet scrollingHe announced that the feature is coming. In this feature, users will be able to switch between titles.

Musk, along with his post on Twitter this morning, announced that this feature future date and announced when a few other features will be released.

Scroll feature coming this week

According to Musk, the ability to swipe right or left between post titles such as followed, suggestions, trends will be released towards the end of next week. Musk says this feature is a big deal. interface update He says it’s the first piece.

Save tweets feature coming next week

posts on Instagram by recording The ability to browse whenever you want is also being added to Twitter. You will now be able to save tweets. This feature is different from the scroll feature. next week will be added to the application.

Finally, the longer Tweet feature will arrive in the first week of February

The long tweet feature, which Musk announced long ago, will allow sharing long posts without the need for sites like Tweet Longer. in the first week of February will meet with users.


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The famous billionaire apparently plans to change the Twitter experience we are used to, if not completely, but to make it more convenient. What do you think about the features? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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