Twitter has started work on its new security policy

Peiter Zatko, Twitter’s former head of security, recently criticized the company’s security policy. According to the news of Reuters, Twitter pressed the button for the security policy after the statement.

Elon Musk announced that he stopped buying, claiming that Twitter does not block bot accounts. However, Zatko stated that the company’s security policy cannot prevent harmful content.

Twitter has started work on its new security policy

Twitter has two different control mechanisms, which it calls examining malicious content and fake accounts. The company will combine the two different teams and call it HPS.

It is stated that the team to be created will be managed by Ella Irwin, who joined the company in June and worked at companies such as Amazon and Google before. Reuters announced that Irwin sent out an email announcing that he prioritized HPS projects.

Announcing to his colleagues, Irwin said, “We need colleagues to focus on specific problems and work together as a single team.” made statements. Making a statement on the subject, the Twitter spokesperson explained that the reshuffle serves the company’s priorities and goals.

It has been leaked that a substantial number of staff have left the Twitter team, which has recently reviewed harmful and misleading content. Analysts state that merging the two units is an important step for the company.

Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal said in an email to employees, “Zatko’s contract was terminated in January 2022 for ineffective leadership and poor performance. However, Zatko has made some misleading claims about Twitter’s privacy, security and data protection. We examined this claim, which is full of inconsistency and false statements. Although Zatko was responsible for the issues he claimed, he passed away because he could not fulfill his duty. Given the limelight on Twitter right now, we can assume we’ll continue to see more headlines in the days to come. As a company, we will do everything we can to defend our integrity and break the record.” said.

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