Twitter Has Access Problems

According to the news, there are currently access problems on Twitter. It is stated that the site of the popular platform does not work, and there are problems with accessing profiles and mentions on mobile.

As we all know, social media platforms, where millions of people spend most of their day, are becoming more common day by day. As a matter of fact, the access problems experienced on such platforms also cause many people’s work to be disrupted.

In the past months, the giant social media platforms Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, which are affiliated with Meta company, experienced a problem described as ‘the biggest access problem in history’, and millions of people could not access these applications. Now, the news is another giant social media platform. on twitter showed that there was an access problem in the past minutes

There was a problem accessing Twitter for a short time

Data obtained from, which shares the failures and troubles experienced in various types of digital services, was sent to Twitter on February 11, that is, around 20.30 today. access problem reported to have occurred. At that time, when we tried to access Twitter’s website from the desktop, ‘An error has occurred, but don’t worry, it’s not your fault’ We encountered the message. In addition, in other complaints, there is no problem in the mobile application on the main page; in profiles and in mentions While it was reported that there was an access problem, it was stated that third party applications such as Tweetdeck were working. In addition, it was also among the news that the problem was global.

Twitter has not yet made an official statement about the problem. However, after a while, it was observed that both the problems experienced in profiles and mentions in the mobile application and the general access problem in the website of the giant platform were fixed.

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