Twitter brings the popular feature of Instagram!

Twitter is working on a feature called Close Friends that will allow only a select group of people you choose to see your tweets. This feature will probably sound pretty familiar to many Instagram users. Here are the details…

Leaf fall continues in Twitter management!

Another breakup is taking place on Twitter, which lost one of its founding members, Jack Dorsey, in the last months of 2021.

Twitter is working on Close Friends feature

When Instagram users are going to share a story, they can make sure that only a group of people they choose can see it if they wish. Twitter, on the other hand, was working on a feature quite similar to this last July, which it called Trusted Friends at the time.


The leaks that have emerged now show that the company has not given up on this business. First, we see that its nomenclature takes shape as Close Friends rather than Trusted Friends. Also, this group of close friends will be called the Flock for short. In addition, you will be able to add up to 150 people to your herd.

If someone has added you to the Close Friends group on Instagram, you can understand this simply by the green tag under the post. Thanks to the feature called Swarm on Twitter, under the tweets sent, “You can see this tweet because the person who shared it added you to their flockIt is said that there will be an article like ”.

We can say that the systems will actually work quite similarly. And just like on Instagram, you’ll be able to edit whenever you want. In addition, when tweeting, you will be able to choose whether you want public or Close Friends only, just like sharing stories.

Most of the recent improvements made by Twitter to improve the user experience were welcomed by users. Of course, there are those who think that some innovations, such as Communities, are quite unnecessary.

Making a statement on the subject, Twitter spokesperson Tatiana Britt said:

Twitter is always working on new ways to help people have healthy conversations, and we’re currently exploring ways to let people post more privately. We currently have no more news to share about the feature. But we can confirm that Twitter Flock is just a placeholder name.

What do you think about this subject? Do you find Instagram’s Stories feature successful? Don’t forget to share your views with us in the comments!

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