Turks’ Favorite Metaverse Coin Project Is Going To Polygon!

Ethereum-based metaverse coin OVR (OVR) has successfully completed the first phase of its two-phase transition to Polygon. The second phase will be launched in February and new capabilities will be added. cryptocoin.com We convey the details as…

Metaverse coin OVR leaves Ethereum network

OVR started the transition to the Polygon network in the first days of January. With the first step completed, Merkle Proof and Minting functions have been moved to Polygon and NFTs can now be created at low fees. Additionally, OVR announced the addition of Polygon network payments to existing Ethereum and BSC payments. Users will thus be provided with higher scalability for the metaverse while greatly reducing transaction fees. The company’s choice of Polygon is due to the network’s economical and fast transaction capabilities.

Ethereum may be the market leader when it comes to smart contracts, but it’s an overcrowded and congested network. The high demand on the Ethereum network, coupled with the inability to scale properly to accommodate the growth of the network, is causing the biggest scalability and fee issues in the market. On the Polygon side, NFT mint fees are more economical, as are transaction fees. OVR users can create their OVRLands cheaply on the Polygon network compared to the Ethereum network. The feature is live now, and OVRLand users can create them as NFTs on the Polygon Blockchain, which for now can only be sold on OpenSea. With the second phase completed in February, it will come with even more new capabilities such as mass printing of OVRLands (mint), Ethereum-Polygon NFT bridge, and a fully decentralized secondary market.

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