Turks’ Favorite Altcoin Arrived With Big News! – Cryptokoin.com

There are new developments for the altcoin project StarkNet (STRK), which is followed by a large audience in Turkey and is not yet on the market. Community members think that the StarkNet token launch is imminent. Here are the details…

Will altcoin hit the market soon?

As the Twitter community has pointed out, a large amount of STRK transfers have taken place recently. This amount, which was 694,895,781 tokens, corresponded to 7 percent of the total token supply. A user known as Bobie on Twitter thinks this development, namely 43 transfers, is a signal that STRK tokens will now enter the market. Because, among the addresses that receive tokens through token distribution, there are those who have never received transfers before or those who receive transfers in the testing process. In particular, it is shown that 634,725,965 of 694,895,781 tokens were received by the Starknet Token Minter account. The rest was received by the addresses behind the token distributions on December 6, 15, 22 and 29.

cryptocoin.com As we have reported, StarkNet is a permissionless decentralized Validity-Rollup (also known as ZK-Rollup). Thanks to StarkNet’s reliance on STARK, the safest and most scalable cryptographic proof system, it operates on Ethereum as a Layer 2 network, allowing any dApp to achieve unlimited scale for computing without compromising Ethereum’s formability and security. Also, according to the team’s statements, StarkNet supports the deployment and scaling of any use case, whatever the logic.

StarkNet gains momentum in terms of developer activity

Looking at other developments, StarkNet has overhauled its in-house Cairo scripting language to make Web3 development accessible to developers. The team’s latest announcement outlines upgrades to Cairo 1.0, which was launched to emulate features of the popular programming language Rust. The revision aims to allow developers with general coding experience to start building decentralized applications on StarkNet’s Ethereum layer-2 network.

The specifications outlined at the January 5 launch include a number of improvements to Cairo’s language, including enhanced syntax and language structures, a holistic writing system, intuitive libraries, strong typing by requesting optimized code and data types specification. StarkNet highlighted Sierra, which stands for Safe Intermediate Representation, as the main contributor to Cairo’s overhaul. Sierra acts as a new intermediate representation layer between Cairo 1.0 and Cairo bytecode.

Ben-Sasson, the founder of the project, pioneered the zk-STARK encryption along with other computer scientists. Zero-Knowledge Scalable Transparent Information Arguments is a proof system that encrypts and validates transactional data to provide security, scalability, and resistance to quantum computing. According to StarkNet, Cairo is the fourth most popular smart contract language by total value locked.

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