Turkish Stock Exchange Listed This Metaverse Coin and Web 3.0 Coin!

Domestic Bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange Paribu lists 2 new altcoins. The exchange lists metaverse coin The Sandbox (SAND) and Web 3.0 coins Audius (AUDIO). cryptocoin.com We have compiled the details for you, let’s examine the subject together…

Paribu lists 2 new altcoins: SAND and AUDIO!

Turkish Bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange Paribu lists 2 new altcoins. The exchange has listed the metaverse coin The Sandbox (SAND). The exchange has activated deposits and trading in cryptocurrencies today. The exchange also added Audius (AUDIO), one of the Web 3.0 coins, to its platform. The exchange activated deposits and trading in cryptocurrencies yesterday. Investors can now trade these 2 cryptocurrencies with “AUDIO/TL and SAND/TL” parities through the stock market.

Sandbox is software running on Ethereum that runs a decentralized virtual game world. At its core, Sandbox is a game where players can purchase digital lands called LANDs and build experiences on them to share with other users. Audius (AUDIO) is a blockchain-based audio platform that brings music producers and listeners together. Its token is AUDIO.

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