Turkish Soldier Who Was Shattered in the Battle of Gallipoli

You know very well how difficult the Battle of Gallipoli was, but the stunning photographs you will see shortly show the brutal face of the war with a strikingness you have never seen before.

Lieutenant Mustafa İpar was hit in the face by a bullet fired from a British ship. one eye, his entire nose, his cheeks, his entire upper jaw, half of his tongue, all of his upper palate, and most of the underside of his chin.he had lost.

Despite this heavy damage, he held on to life and in 1918 taken to Germany It gained a new face with surgical intervention, which is challenging even for today’s medicine. Here is the striking story of the lieutenant and the doctor who presented him with his new face…

Mustafa Lieutenant could not speak at all, he was fed with a specially prepared liquid food and he did not want to go out in public because of his appearance.

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The lieutenant, who was operated on several times in Turkey, was able to hold on to life, but was deprived of an aesthetic intervention. Because there was not enough expertise and equipment in Turkey for this. In fact, no place in the world except Germany, plastic surgery was not developed enough to correct Mustafa Lieutenant.

He was sent to Berlin on the evening of 20 January 1918 with the support of the German Red Cross. Known as the father of aesthetics, Prof. He was going to meet Jacques Joseph.

His book on Jacques Joseph and plastic surgery

He was taken to hospital by ambulance; washed by her sister, the parts of her face cleaned with saliva and dried food residues. In the morning, Doctor Joseph told the lieutenant that he was “safe, that it would give him a new face, but that such a difficult facial aesthetic never been done before‘ he said. Since Lieutenant Mustafa couldn’t speak, he looked at the doctor hopefully with his only remaining eye.

At 8.30 am on January 23, 1918, he was taken to a surgical clinic under the supervision of Doctor Joseph and given a sedative.

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His entire body was covered with sterile towels. Skull skin extended downward and skin scraps from her calves were implanted into her face. Thanks to many small prostheses made of mother-of-pearl, cheekbones, chin and palate were made. Not only was the dental prosthesis successful, but the lieutenant now had a new face.

He waited four weeks for his second surgery. lasting several hours each. He has undergone many difficult surgeries. Gazi Mustafa İpar got a face that was perfect for that period, although not perfect for today, and returned to Turkey after a few months.

How did the Jewish-German doctor Jacques Joseph become such an expert in aesthetics and what happened after he operated on the lieutenant?

plastic surgery

He is considered to be the pioneer of rhinoplasty (nose aesthetics), which is very common today. The doctor, known as “Buruncu Joseph”, thanks to his surgeries that could be considered a miracle at that time. the name that laid the foundations of aesthetic surgery had become.

One day, a mother’s request became the trigger for Joseph to lead the way.

Jacques Joseph and his team

Mother, her child with excessively large auricle is at school due to psychological pressure He asked if ear reduction surgery was possible. No such surgery had ever been performed anywhere. Doctors without hesitation saw this as “simple aesthetic concern” and sent the woman and child home.

Two days later, Joseph reached the woman and discussed the matter with the woman in detail. understood that this was a human condition: The state of mental deterioration due to physical appearance and the inability to maintain a normal human life… According to the doctor, this was a new case in medicine.

Jacques Joseph was working as an assistant physician at the hospital. without notifying the chief physician He took the boy into surgery. He received great appreciation from the physicians when he compiled the records he kept during the surgery and presented them to the attention of the Berlin Chamber of Physicians.

There are always serious obstacles in every success story. His Chief Physician scolded Joseph for doing this work in secret, and fired him.

Jacques Joseph and his team performing rhinoplasty on a patient

His medical-academic career was suddenly interrupted. Doctor Joseph didn’t give up and opened a plastic surgery clinic with special permission from the Ministry of Health. She encountered hundreds of applications at once. His successful surgeries were heard all over Europe and America. It became news in the press and gained great fame.

Meanwhile, World War I had broken out and thousands of young soldiers had returned to the country with their faces and limbs mutilated. The results of the war created a new situation and field in the field of surgery: Aesthetic surgery.

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The German Emperor of the period II. Wilhelm told Doctor Joseph that he would be appointed professor as the head of the new clinic they opened, and that it was unimportant that he had not fulfilled the professorship procedure, but that he had first He required that he be a Christian.

Jewish doctor refused and continued his studies in his private clinic. But in the end the state gave up; The Ministry of War and Health put Joseph in charge of the new clinic even though he did not follow the academic procedures. appointed as professor. After the war, he honored him with a state medal for his actions.

Professor Joseph treated hundreds of war veterans, including Lieutenant Mustafa Ipar.

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New face, nose, ear, chin, eyes, etc. donated organs. In his book, “Nose Aesthetics and Other Percent Aesthetics (Nasenplastik und Sonstige Gesichtsplastik)”, “due to depression He mentioned that he also worked on other limbs that made human life difficult. This included the reduction of excessively large breasts.

Thus, he became famous as the number one in the field of plastic surgery and these innovations made by him spread all over the world.

nose job

prof. Joseph demanded a fortune from the rich he operated on, but He did not take money from the poor. He received 100 Marks from the Western physicians who came to watch his surgery, and only 10 Marks from those who came from Eastern Europe. He built a luxurious life with the money he earned from wealthy patients.

Then things went bad. From the 1930s onwards, fascism rose in Germany and gradually became effective both in society and in the state.

germany 1933

Hitler came to power in 1933. He put pressure on Jewish scientistsJoseph was one of those affected by this situation. Many of the doctor’s friends fled the country, but he chose to stay. Despite all the pressure, he continued his work. His assistant was imprisoned and threatened when an agent showed up. He died in 1934 due to a heart attack.

Four years later, the doctor’s wife and daughter managed to escape to America a few weeks before “Kristalnacht” (Crystal Night), when Jewish homes and businesses were destroyed.

jewish tomb

Then your doctor His clinic, home and tomb were destroyed. The tombstone, made of a black granite stone, was found after a great deal of effort in 2004 and was rewritten and polished and put in place.

While these were happening in Germany in 1933; Atatürk had hundreds of Jewish scientists expelled from Germany brought to Turkey.

jews and ataturk

One of them is another German surgeon: Professor Rudolf Nissen. He is a professor who founded the department of surgery in Cerrahpaşa. Rudolf Nissen in his memoir he wrote: In 1935, Atatürk came to visit his sister Makbule Atadan, whom I was treating at that time. After hearing from me about the patient, he asked me what I thought of Hitler. When I started to say that he came to power through elections or something, he silenced me and continued as follows: Look, Professor, world history is full of megalomaniacs, like Hitler, who think he is the most powerful man and commander in all history. You will see that he will lead his country and the world to a great disaster and history will remember him as such. It is a great mistake to hand over the administration of the state to those who do not have the experience of statesman.

There is such an impressive story at the beginning of plastic surgery that you or a relative of yours have.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4


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