Turkish Singer INJI’s Song Plays in F1 24 [Video]

An interesting detail was encountered in the early access version of F1 24, which will be released next week. On the game’s login screen, the popular song “Bellydancing” by Turkish singer INJI, which went viral on social media, plays.

It will be the new one in the Formula 1 games series signed by Electronic Arts. F1 of 24 There is only a short time left until its release. The game, which will be released on all platforms including PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/Si, Xbox One and PC, will be released on May 28.

Of course, as with most new games, some content creators got early access to F1 24 to experience the games and pass them on to their followers. One of them was game content producer Şefik Akkoç. Akkoç shared a pleasant detail he encountered in the game with his followers.

INJI’s popular song plays in F1 24

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