Turkey’s New Cruise Missile ‘ÇAKIR’ Introduced

Çakır, the new domestic cruise missile developed by Roketsan, powered by Kale Arge’s domestic and national turbojet engine, was introduced today. The missile will add a new power to the Turkish army with what it offers.

The Republic of Turkey, which continues to develop and make its name known year by year in the field of Defense Industry, is today planned to be placed in the army inventory in the future. new cruise missile Çakır introduced. It has been announced that Çakır, developed by Roketsan, will be used for the first time in Baykar Teknoloji’s Akıncı SİHA.

Çakır, who will be a new force for the armed forces with its state-of-the-art features and warhead, With a range of over 150 kilometers It will be used against surface targets, land and surface targets close to the shore, strategic land targets, area targets and caves. The highlights of Çakır’s shared videos were as follows:

Çakır video shared by Roketsan:

Cakir features:

  • It can be launched from fixed and rotary wing aircraft, TİHA/SİHA, SİDA, tactical wheeled aircraft and surface platforms.
  • It will offer the user operationally wide alternatives against land and sea targets.
  • It has a domestic and national KTJ-175 turbo-jet engine developed by Kale Arge.
  • Thanks to its agility, it can easily perform tasks involving three-dimensional turning points defined during mission planning.
  • It offers high destruction capability against targets with its hit point selection on the target and its unique warhead.
  • With its intermediate stage and terminal guidance systems, it can reach its targets with high precision in all weather conditions.
  • Thanks to its network-based data link, it offers target change and mission cancellation possibilities.
  • It can fly very close to the water surface over the sea and mask the terrain over land.
  • With its radar-absorbing body structure, it minimizes its detectability by air defense systems.
  • With its jam-proof GNSS and altimeter-supported inertial navigation system, it can continue its course in cases of intense electronic jamming.

Platform integration will be done in 2023:


National cruise missile Çakır project launched with Roketsan’s own resources design work continues. The first launch of the Çakır missile is expected this year, while the platform integration is planned for 2023.


Between Roketsan and Kale Arge as part of Çakır’s launch event Çakır Project National Turbo-jet Development Contract signed. Head of Defense Industry Prof. Dr. İsmail Demir, Chairman of the Board of Roketsan Prof. Dr. The signing ceremony, with the participation of Faruk Yiğit, Roketsan General Manager Murat Second, and Kale Group Vice President and Technical Group Head Osman Okyay, covers the development and delivery of the KTJ-1750 turbo-jet engine to be used in the Cruise Missile Çakır.

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