Turkey’s Most Popular Series and Movie Platforms [Güncel]

JustWatch released its market share report for the first quarter of 2023 and revealed the most popular platforms. Disney+ dropped the share of Netflix and BluTV with its arrival.

Paid digital content platforms have been among them for a long time, although they are still in limited numbers in our country. a fierce struggle progress. While the domestic platform BluTV is the leader in this struggle, Netflix, the world’s largest digital content platform, ranks second after BluTV in our country.

While almost all of the competition continued between these two, today, with the data shared by JustWatch, the winner in the first quarter of 2023 was revealed. BluTV continues to be at the top in Turkey.

BluTV continues to maintain its leadership

According to data from JustWatch, Netflix will be in the first quarter of 2023. With a market share of 27% closed. The giant platform had a 29% share in the last quarter of 2021.

BluTV, which has been leading for years, has been in the last three months. 38% market share he had. This rate was 42% in the last quarter of 2021. Another big drop was seen in MUBI. MUBI, which has a 7% share in 2021, has spent the last three months. With 4% market share closed.

At the end of the first three months of 2021, their market shares were as follows:


The reason behind these decreases was seen as Disney+, which entered Turkey in the summer of 2022. Disney+ in the last three months 9% market share reached. Considering that Disney+ has not even completed its first year in our country, we can say that its success is impressive.


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The Best TV Series and Movies on BluTV that started to attract attention with their original content

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