Turkey’s First Bank Robber Necdet Elmas

On a hot August day in 1961, at noon, something unprecedented happened in Turkey. A man who entered Buğday Bank with a gun in his hand was making headlines in the news. This man, who committed the first bank robbery in the country, was none other than Necdet Elmas.

The country is under martial law and there has never been a There was no bank robbery At that time, the public was watching what was happening in astonishment. While Necdet Elmas managed to become Turkey’s first gangster, he made a name for himself for years.

The strange thing is that while he was on the agenda only with his words, as if he had never committed a robbery, the only thing left was that he was not applauded. Proud stance of not touching the workers’ moneystrangely enough, had garnered great esteem.

Necdet Elmas was born in the Ereğli district of Konya, to a family in poverty.

Born January 9, 1935 The difficult situation of this young man’s family led him to run away from home at the age of 12. He started various businesses in Konya with the dream of becoming rich, but could not achieve the success he expected.

After this disappointment, he went to Istanbul and got into Istanbul University Faculty of Law. However, he left his education in the second grade and started looking for money illegally. By getting involved in unclean things He took his life in a different direction.

At work Elmas, who made such a transition to robbery. On the other hand, it is said that he is a self-educated and cultured person. However, his passion to become rich obviously led him to different paths.

That year, Buğday Bank in the Çemberlitaş district of Istanbul; He was shaken by the visit of a tall, large man with glasses and a scar on his right cheek.

This man, as soon as he entered the bank, 6.35 caliber pistol He pulled out and shouted the famous sentence we’ve all heard in movies: “Nobody move, I’ll shoot!

Everyone inside the bank was astonished because this incident had never been experienced before. Necdet, from the bank Found more than 200 thousand lira While taking the bag, he fired a single shot at the bank manager, seriously wounding him.

Then waiting at the door and probably the Chevrolet he stole He got into the car and quickly fled the scene. This car would become an important argument in later attempts to capture him.

A month after his first robbery, Elmas organized a raid on İş Bank.

gangster necdet

While robbing this bank, he uttered the famous sentence that was on everyone’s lips. During the robbery, a man in the corner of the bank catches his attention. When he asks the man what he does, he gets “I am a worker” His answer causes the sentence identified with him to be made: “I don’t take workers’ money!

The interesting thing is that the robbery he committed is forgotten; this sentence, It was on the people’s lips.

Although there were short periods between the two robberies The robber, who could not be caught, was always in the headlines. The government is losing credibility for this; in newspapers, Necdet Elmas It is written that there is even a monetary reward of 100 thousand lira for the person who catches it, but what a help!

After all these events, it is learned that Elmas is actually a prison escapee.

Necdet diamond

The robber who changed his name and blended in with the public; He walks around as if he were not a prisoner without anyone’s soul noticing, No police department was aware of this situation.

Necdet Elmas, who became famous with his famous Chevrolet car, was a true car lover. So at that time Because Chevrolet cars are identified with him The police were turning over every model vehicle they saw, thinking it was a diamond. There was even a time when a family was subjected to a hail of bullets just for this reason.

Meanwhile Necdet ElmasHe was sending letters to the police station as if he were mocking the police, and he was walking in the snow and never leaving his mark. In the letters, he was giving news of the new robberies he was going to commit and was literally having fun with everyone. His life-loving, mischievous attitude was also evident from here.

He burned his Chevrolet car to avoid getting caught.

Necdet diamond

As events grow day by day and While Necdet Elmas burned his beloved car to avoid being caught, People also started buying Chevrolet cars. This craze, which became a craze at that time, actually delayed the capture of Elmas.

The wrong men were constantly caught as Elmas, but the real robber could never be found. Increasingly clever and cunning Necdet, who is clearly someone he is; He planned his plans skillfully and avoided doing things that would give him away.

But something unexpected It happened… Something that would throw away all the escape, effort and cunning.

He was caught after his relative tipped him off. We are not defending Elmas, but this situation is something we can literally call relative terrorism. The robber was caught upon tip-off from his hiding place. “Look at me, I’m already upset, don’t attack me! Otherwise, we will either commit suicide or open volley fire. That’s when the apocalypse will break loose! First, I want to talk to your chief.Entering after saying ” He handed over his gun and money to the major.

What’s even more interesting is this: He shaved himself, trimmed his hair and beard, and was arrested just like that.

Necdet diamond

Necdet, who is obviously attentive to her, is grateful for this request. He was taken out of the house after shaving. It is said that this man, who was known to be a womanizer, courted women while in that state. This must be what it feels like to enjoy every moment of life!

sentenced to 20 years in prison Elmas’ statement in court It became a trending topic, just like what they said to the workers in the bank. In his statement “If I said something that would hurt your court during the hearings, I request you to attribute it to my state of mind. If intent is sought in a crime, I have no intent in this crime. Crime is dirt, punishment is a bath. I will wash in this bathroom. If the bath dose is taken too much, this bath will cause harm rather than benefit. In the future, I will write a book and present the situation to the public. Defenses remain secondary. I want the real defense to be done in your conscience. “My neck is thinner than a hair before justice.” He managed to get on the agenda again by listing his sentences.

It’s like something out of a Hollywood movie. We couldn’t decide whether this story had a happy or unhappy ending. It’s perfect for the man to live an adventurous life as if there was no tomorrow and to make the police do what he wants even at the last moment. “Things like this happen in movies” flavored.

It is said that He currently has a kiosk in Beşiktaş, but there has been no news from him. Today, it came to the fore with the news announced by Sina Koloğlu that the TV series will be made. Which actor do you think could do justice to this role?


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