Transphobic Content Removed from New Version of GTA V

It turned out that Rockstar may have removed the transphobic content from the remastered GTA V, which it released last month for PS5 and Xbox Series X / S. The giant company has long been criticized for these contents.

It has sold millions since its release. Grand Theft Auto (GTA) Vis still among the most popular games in the world. Last month, we shared that the remastered version of Rockstar’s GTA V was released for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.

This version, which was also offered for sale in Turkey, brought with it many innovations. With the new version of the game reduction of loading times and 4K 60 FPS Many features, such as the introduction of support, were made available to players. In short, although not very big, some changes were made in the game, and it was seen that the best version of the game, which has been on the market for many years, will be in this version. Now, some news has shown that Rockstar may have made some unexplained changes in the game.

Removed transphobic content from the game

According to those noticed by GTA V fans, Rockstar has announced that some of the game’s have removed transphobic content looks like. In previous versions of the game, cartoons of trans people were seen outside the Cackatoos nightclub, located close to Michael’s house in Los Santos, and NPCs (non-playable characters) dressed as ‘drag queens’ were seen in front of the club. The main characters of GTA V are also related to these NPCs unsuitable was making comments. This situation caused the game to be criticized for being transphobic for a while.

Now, the news coming from the giant company remove these cartoons and NPCs from the game revealed. However, it is worth noting that this change is only in the version released for next-generation consoles. Let’s also add that these NPCs continue to exist in the mode called Director’s Mode in GTA V, which allows you to play the game with different characters.


Renewed PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S Version of GTA V Released: Here’s What’s New and Turkey Price

For now, Rockstar has nothing to do with this. no official statement. This leaves the questions unanswered whether these contents were removed from the game on purpose or due to an error. Finally, Rockstar has been subjected to great criticism for many years about inappropriate content in GTA; For this reason, let us state that it has caused great controversy in the gaming and media world.

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