Training You Will Learn Software Without Knowing Code

Xpoda, which set out with the slogan “Everyone will be a software developer one day”, continues to provide software development competence to everyone who is interested, thanks to today’s rising trend “No Code” technology.

Xpoda Academy; To date, it has organized many trainings in different formats targeting high school students, university students, recent graduates and professionals, and provided no code trainings to nearly 1000 participants in the last 5 years. Organizes classroom training, semester courses at universities and high schools, and online training in Turkey. xpodain cooperation with the University of South Carolina, continues to teach no code to master students in the USA.

Organized by Xpoda Academy and Turkey’s most rooted no code event. NoCodeCamp It is aimed to facilitate the inclusion of new graduates in business life and to train no code developers.

With the NoCodeCamp event, more than 250 people have been given “Entry Level No Code Training” and more than 50 people have been given “Advanced No Code Training”. With the ninth planned NoCodeCamp, dozens of young graduates had the opportunity to work as no code developers in different companies. Many companies participated in the no code training in order to develop their own software processes or to provide quick solutions to their customers.

The 14th NoCodeCamp will be held on November 14, 2021 at the Xpoda office. To meet No Code, Xpoda No Code Platform Thanks to you, you can join the 14th NoCodeCamp to experience rapid software development and bring your idea to life without waiting:

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