Top 10 NFT Coins by Weekly Sales Volume!

The NFT coin market has seen a drop in sales volume on OpenSea, an NFT platform for buying and selling products. The falling price of almost all altcoins, including Ethereum, is causing concern in the NFT world.

Top 10 NFT coin projects of the week

A few of the best NFT collections and projects considered “blue chip” had a good week of volume sales. Here are last week’s top 10 NFT coin projects by sales volume.

  • Bored Ape Yacht Club: $13.9 million, -46.1%
  • CryptoPunks; $10.7 million, -49.7%
  • Otherdeed for Otherside: $6.6 million, -32.6%
  • Doodles: $6.4 million, +87.3%
  • Mutant Ape Yacht Club: $5.9 million, -50.1%
  • Ryder Ripps: $5.2M, +18,242.6%
  • Dooplicator: $4.4 million, +331.3%
  • Sorare: $3.9 million, – 23.5%
  • Azuki: $3.4 million, +5.7%
  • Primate Academy: $3.3 million, -19.7%

Meanwhile, the top 10 list shows similarities to last week’s leaderboard. The previous listing took shape amid some positive momentum in the NFT market. Afterwards, it’s remarkable that only four of the top ten saw an increase in sales volume.

Highest performance NFT project

In particular, one of the most notable winners is Ryder Ripps, which has seen an astronomical increase in sales volume. The win came when the founder of the project took over the Bored Ape Yacht Club and parent Yuga Labs due to racist attributes and names. Later, Yuga Labs defended its brand and creation in a Medium post. He later announced that he had filed a lawsuit against the founder of Ryder Ripps.

Overview of the list and recent developments from the projects

On the other hand, Bored Ape Yacht Club is at the top of the list once again. BAYC has a base price of 91.5 Ethereum (ETH) Doodles and Dooplicator have seen gains after Doodles announced plans for a second collection, an investment by Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian, and appointed Pharrell Williams to its board of directors.

Solana-based projects saw strong volume throughout the week, with Primate Academy ranking tenth out of the top twenty projects and four overall collections by sales volume. Meanwhile, Azuki re-entered the top ten at ninth with a gain in sales volume. CloneX and Moonbirds fell out of the top ten after their fifth and sixth spots on the previous top ten.

cryptocoin.comAs you can follow, there have been a few interesting developments in the NFT and metaverse market this week. In a news report from Turkey, Türkiye Sigorta became the first insurance company to advertise on the Decentraland metaverse. You can check out other important news here.

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