Togg Opens Its First Showroom

Togg opened new experience centers in Istanbul, Izmir and Adana today. In particular, the experience center opened in Istanbul Zeytinburnu is Togg’s first truly showroom, both in terms of its dimensions and being a delivery center.

Turkey’s Automobile Initiative Group (Togg), opened new experience centers. In the centers where Togg T10Xs are exhibited, you can see both the electric car and the technologies. You can examine closely.

The experience center, which we can call Togg’s first showroom, is located in Istanbul Zeytinburnu. Seven Blue facilities opened. Shared photos on site at least two The Togg T10X is on display. Consumers had the opportunity to see and examine domestic cars in Kula or Anatolian colors closely.

Here’s what Togg’s new experience center looks like

togg olive nose

togg store

togg seven blue

There was a post on the subject from Togg’s official social media accounts. In this post, “To closely examine our T10X smart device and experience smart life solutions we are waiting for you too.‘ statements were made.

Togg’s post on Twitter was as follows:

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