Togg now recognizes faces! We have installed Togg T10X new software

Togg T10X, meets more than 23 thousand users in different cities of Turkey. renewed 1.4.0 software Thanks to its users with facial recognition feature will recognize. SDN Founder Hakkı Alkan installed the new software on the Togg T10X vehicle and conveyed the innovations.

This update also offers the opportunity to plan air conditioning programs in advance and bring the cabin temperature to the desired level before starting the journey.

With new software T10X’s 29-inch edge-to-edge smart multimedia displayApplications can be viewed in full screen and with different color themes. Additionally, users will now be able to use facial recognition instead of entering a pin when logging in.

1.4.0 update, It redesigns the T10X’s display interface, allowing users to choose the color themes they want. In addition, it offers profile-based personalization memory for different users and provides the opportunity to adjust the cabin temperature to a predetermined level with air conditioning planning.

Togg quickly implements different updates, taking into account feedback from T10X users for continuous improvement. 1.4.0 softwarehas begun to be uploaded to all T10X users in the predetermined pickup order.

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