Togg made a new post about CES 2022!

Togg, today CES 2022 picture of the fair twitter He shared a post on his account. At this point, he stated that the domestic car is ready for the fair. There was also a short video in the tweet. In the video, Togg’s logo was accompanied by the physical design of the vehicle.

A while ago, ToggWe have seen that ‘s work continues without slowing down. Your domestic car Bursain Gemlik new photos came from the facility. At this point, we had the chance to learn new details about the installation phase.

New images came from Togg’s Gemlik facility

A facility is being established in Gemlik for the production of Turkey’s first domestic automobile, the Togg. Togg regularly shares the progress with his followers.

Togg shared a tweet for CES 2022

Togg, previously the first mass production 2022 He stated that they wanted to do it towards the end of the year. when we look CES 2022 Promoting the vehicle at the fair means acquiring a world-class environment. These types of events are often the first stop for new vehicles. Because famous businessmen have the opportunity to examine the technologies that are considered at these events.

Togg’also on this occasion CES 2022 It was one of the vehicles that made its mark on the fair. He also revealed this with the tweet they shared below. In the video, the front of the car was shown to the audience, accompanied by the vehicle’s headlights.

Togg Firstly 25 June 2018was founded in. Since then, extensive efforts have been made to bring the vehicle to market. At this point, for the production to come to the market 202The end of 2 years is targeted. Robotic production integration studies for production lines at the facility had started recently. Even this meeting ShiftDelete.Net We also participated. Within the framework of this meeting Gurcan Karakas, CEO of Togg We did an interview with. Karakaş answered many questions that remained in mind at this point. Here is that video;

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