Today is the Big Day for These 10 Altcoins: Here’s What They’ll Be!

Today will be a day of significance for various cryptocurrencies. Collaborations, stock market listings, question-answer events and network updates are developments that should be noted in the altcoin market, which is always very active. In the list below, we have covered the news that is important for 10 altcoins today. Here are the details…

Today is an important day for 10 altcoins

  • Taboo (TABOO) will hold the “Mansion” event for T4 investors from August 12-15.
  • Bridge Oracle (BRG) will launch a mainnet on the BNB Chain network.
  • Biswap (BSW) will hold a question and answer event on Telegram. The event will start at 14 CEST.
  • Mobox (MBOX) released the MOMOverse V1.2.7 update this morning.
  • BitMart lists Protocon (PEN) with USDT pair at 18 CET.
  • Good Games Guild (GGG) will hold a question and answer event on Youtube. The event will mark the first anniversary of GGG.
  • Ergo (ERG) will hold the question and answer event on the Telegram channel at 16 pm.
  • Azbit listed LocoMeta (LOCO) with USDT pair at night time.
  • XT.COM lists Ivar Coin (IVAR) with USDT pair.
  • Japan-based bank Shensei Bank offers Ripple (XRP) to its customers to take advantage of its services. The campaign will run until October 31st.

What is the latest situation in the market?

Meanwhile, As we have also reported, the market is experiencing a slight uptrend. However, after several days of notable price increases, it has taken a slight step back in the last 24 hours. The last 24 hours have seen the cryptocurrency market calm down a bit. There was no big change in the top 10 cryptocurrencies by total market capitalization. However, some cryptocurrencies have outperformed others.

After a steep rally from $22,800 to almost $25,000 in the previous two days, Bitcoin price has finally calmed down. It was traded around $24,000. The volatility around the release of the July CPI figures stopped affecting the price. Now, it seems that the market is looking for the next direction.

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However, BTC failed to overcome the $25,000 level before returning to where it is currently trading. But overall – in the last 24 hours – it’s down about 2 percent. Despite the relative calm, it seems that the market has taken a breather from the recent rallies and is predominantly trading in the red. Most cryptocurrencies have dropped a bit in the past day. However, Ethereum Classic (ETC) has managed to record a massive 10 percent increase in a boring market. Other notable gains include Huobi Token and ANKR.

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