Tip to Get Uninterrupted Sleep: The 6/30 Rule

Many people today suffer from sleep problems. There are many things that affect our sleep quality, so finding the source of the problem is often not easy.

However, you can try to overcome your sleep problems. There are simple solutions.

With very easy changes, he can suddenly fall asleep without interruption, You can wake up very fresh the next day. One of these methods you can apply is the 6/30 rule.

In its simplest form, the 6/30 rule goes like this:

6 hours before sleep you cut out your caffeine intake, 30 minutes ago, you stop looking at the screen of your electrical devices.

As a result of scientific studies, it has been proven that caffeine consumption reduces sleep quality. Therefore, reduce your caffeine consumption to the first hours of the day or to noon It would be more helpful if you spread it.

Caffeine, which enters the body as a result of tea and coffee, especially after 7-8 pm, prevents your body from going into sleep mode.

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According to scientists, it is necessary to stay away from all kinds of drinks containing caffeine such as tea, coffee, cola, etc. 6 hours before going to sleep.

The second part of the rule is 30 minutes.

smart phone light

This part is about our phones, computers, televisions. According to research, these devices radiating lights, It causes our hormones to be prepared for sleep not to be secreted enough, and therefore, our sleep quality decreases.

According to experts, we prefer to look at the screens of such devices from our sleeping time. If we cut it 30 minutes ago, It is possible to achieve a significant increase in our sleep quality.

even if possible not sleeping in a room with electrical appliances it will be much more useful.


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