TikTok Tests YouTube-Like Horizontal Screen Feature!

TikTok has started testing the video viewing feature on the landscape screen. This feature, as can be understood, will allow you to watch TikTok videos when the phone is in a horizontal position. It’s not clear when the feature will be available.

TikTok, one of the most popular social media platforms of recent times, has started testing a remarkable feature. This feature being tested, videos on TikTok as a horizontal screen makes it appear. If this feature can be successfully rolled out to users TikTokwith YouTube more firmly will begin to compete.

TikTok made a decision at the beginning of 2022 and up to 10 minutes It started allowing videos to be uploaded. Now these videos when the phone is in horizontal position can be played. However, the enjoyment you will get from the videos may not be as good as on YouTube. Because when you tilt the phone, there will be a gap at the edges of the video and this gap will be black color background Will have.

This is what TikTok’s new feature in testing will look like!

TikTok has been around since its launch. vertical screen It was a compatible application. This work will ensure that the application can be used on a horizontal screen as much as possible. Whether users will like this feature or not. in the future We’ll see.


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TikTok officials stated that the horizontal screen feature has been tested globally with some users. they confirmed. However, it is currently unknown when the feature will reach the stable version. In fact, even if the feature will be rolled out. It’s not certain. The new feature of TikTok may appear in the coming days with its canceled or rolled out developments.

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