TikTok brings back its Instagram-like feature!

TikTok earlier this year, to its creators Question answer offered the feature. With this option, you can ask your followers various questions. By responding to these, they can establish a social environment with the producers they love. At this point InstagramIt’s quite similar to the option put forward by the question boxes.

TikTok The feature was taken off the air after a while. Now it is back on the platform with more options. Social Media Consultant Matt Navarrawas the one who announced the return of the feature. However, this time, the company has expanded the feature and added an innovation that allows people to answer your questions.

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TikTok has developed the Q&A feature

Users are now Question answer can change whether the feature is visible or not on their profile. In addition, he has the opportunity to choose who can answer those questions. TikTokAn image came from the feature that ‘s re-added to its structure. When we look at it, users can limit Q&A to followers, friends who follow you, or nobody. If you disable the feature, the questions and answers are not on your profile for others.

Looking at the images above, we see that the feature is quite similar to the ‘Questions’ sticker on Instagram. In addition, the privacy of the Q&A feature can be adjusted in the settings section, which will provide an important convenience for content producers.

A new feature is also on the horizon

TikTokThe feature developed by ‘s was not limited to this. Now, to be able to ask questions on the social network Ask TikTok Working on an option called In this context, each question sent by users is presented to the content producer as a list.


TikTokIt also allows users to tag other people in videos. This makes it easier to show other people who are with you in a clip.

You TikTok removed for a period by Question answer What did you think of the feature? What are you waiting for now? Don’t forget to mention your ideas in the comments section!

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