TikTok brings age restrictions! – ShiftDelete.Net

TikTokis one of the most popular and controversial social media platforms of recent times. Earlier this year, the company announced that it is preparing to prevent certain content from appearing in front of young people. TikTok aims to protect young people by introducing age restrictions. Now, the details of this announcement have emerged. Here are the details!

Content will be classified by TikTok

Last Wednesday, TikTok announced that it is working on new features aimed at protecting users from harmful content. One of them is a situation we encounter on television, in movies and in games. classification will be the method. Accordingly, users who are under a certain age are faced with ‘adultContent with the ‘ tag will not appear.

We are trying to implement a new system to organize the content according to thematic maturity. Many people are familiar with similar systems used in the film industry, television or video games. We create with these systems knowing that we need to develop a unique approach to TikTok.

In addition, TikTok will be the one to evaluate and classify the content. The company made a statement on this subject. “When we notice that content contains adult or complex themes, such as a fictional scene that is too scary or too passionate for younger viewers, the video will be given an adult rating, preventing it from being seen in the TikTok experience by users under the age of 18.”

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According to this situation, TikTok will stick the tag it deems appropriate to a video. This tag will affect the viewing of that video. The maturity tag in the content how to determine and which criteria There is no information about its implementation.

At the same time, the company stated that this feature is currently used in one of the early versions. He added that depending on the situation, there will be a possibility that new features will appear in the future. The platform stated that it was working on a feature that would allow users to choose the content they want to see.


In addition to all this, TikTok ‘For you’ He is also working on some innovations for his page. The new update will prevent the same videos on the page all the time. It will also be possible for users to block videos with tags they don’t want to see.

In the coming months, we plan to add new features to provide our entire community with detailed content filtering options. So they can get more pleasure from the things they love.

So, what do you think about this subject? Do you think the TikTok age restriction feature will work? Don’t forget to share your views with us in the comments!

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