Threads Hidden Features

Even though it is a new application, experience Threads, which provides ease of use because it does not feel foreign, with the features on our list.

Reaching 100 million users in just 4 days and never falling off the agenda threadsWe can say that he achieved this success by making his debut with the right timing in the first place. Despite this success of Threads We have told you about the deficiencies that must be completed and the features that must be added to its structure.

Now, by evaluating what the application has from Threads We will talk about how to get the most efficiency. While doing this, both the Instagram boss by Adam Mosseri We will share with you the features we have found. Without further ado, let’s get to the list.

Important note: We recommend accessing the content from the browser, as GIFs are not yet visible in our app. However, while we’re here, we’ve added descriptions below the GIFs so you can take advantage of it. You can follow them.

Determine who can reply to the post

To do this, when you are going to share, a little faint “Anyone can answerYou need to tap on “. Then you can choose who can reply to your post.

Do sequential posts at once

To make your shares in order, first share one and then answer him you can do this. Or to switch to the other Thread while sharing three times “Late” button You can do this in one go. Saving both time and effort.

search shortcut on Instagram

If you tap on the search icon on Instagram, your most recent search will appear in front of you and then you have to tap on the search bar. But if you hold it down, you can directly access the search bar. Same goes for Threads.

If you think that you spend too much time in the application, there is a solution to this.

Go to your profile and top right Options-Account-take a break When you reach the section, you will spend in the application. you can manage time.

You can share your Threads post on Instagram.

To do this, press the send button under the share. From Story or Post Just choose the one that suits you. Your post will be transferred to Instagram with Threads theme.

You can hide words to stay away from a Trend you don’t want.

To do this, you need to go to the options section and reach the privacy tab. Here at the bottom”hidden wordsYou can see the ” section. When you add the desired word and activate the option to hide it, the posts containing these words will not be shown to you.

Even if the ones you follow are not included in your profile, it is possible to see them.

You only have followers on your profile, but that doesn’t mean you can’t see what you follow. To see them, go to the options section and again to the privacy tab You need to enter. Just below the “Hidden Words” we just looked at what you follow you can see.


The Features We Called “I Wish It Happened” to Threads That Dropped Like a Bomb on the Agenda


It’s More Than Twitter: Features That Instagram Flawlessly ‘Stolen’ From Other Apps

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