Thor’s Hammer That Can’t Really Be Removed (Video)

Turkish YouTuber Tolga Özuygur, known for his artificial intelligence-supported Iron Man armor and rapper robot, this time, we come across with a Thor’s hammer, which only the ‘worthy’ can lift.

There are few truly famous YouTubers in Turkey who make world-class videos, and Tolga Özuygur is among this minority. We’ve talked about the videos he made before. One of the most striking projects of his incredibly hard work was the rapper robot. Moreover, E-Bliss was not such an ordinary robot and even took up singing.

Another of Tolga’s crazy projects was the Iron Man armor, which aroused great curiosity among Marvel fans. Tolga Özuygur, this time, rolled up his sleeves to make Thor’s hammer, which we are familiar with from the Marvel universe. As his fans will well know, only the ‘worthy’ could lift Thor’s hammer Mjolnir. The hammer made by successful YouTuber Tolga Özuygur is exactly like Mjolnir. cannot be removed by anyone else.

Only one person can lift it!

The part that only the ‘worthy’ ones can lift this Thor’s hammer, designed by Tolga Özuygur, is of course the joke part. Currently, only Tolga can lift Thor’s hammer, the reason being the RFID he has attached to his hand. implant. As you can see in the video, Thor’s hammer is inside Mjolnir. establishes an electromagnetic lock assembly. In this way, only those with RFID implants can lift Thor’s hammer.

For this beautiful project of Tolga Disney Plus Turkey He invited Tolga to the preview of the newly released Thor: Love and Thunder. You can watch those trying to remove Mjolnir later in the video.


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So to be ‘worthy’ of lifting this real-life built Thor’s hammer, all you have to do is grab a hand. Putting RFID implants. What are you thinking? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

You can reach the video of Tolga Özuygur’s glove that hit the surface he touched, below:

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