This Tokyo Company Wants to Acquire FTX Japan

Tokyo-based onliner brokerage firm Monex Group may take action to acquire FTX Japan unit, which is owned by FTX.

FTX Japan, after cryptocurrency exchange FTX went into bankruptcy put up for sale. The company had approximately 17.8 billion yen in cash and deposits in reserve as of November 21.

FTX Japan to buy Among those who evaluated, Tokyo native Monex Group Inc. exists. When asked about FTX Japan, Monex Group CEO Oki Matsumoto replied, “Broadly speaking, we are naturally interested (with FTX Japan).” said.

Matsumoto did not disclose whether they have made any attempt to acquire FTX Japan. However, the CEO The fact that the number of competing crypto exchanges is decreasing is “a very good thing” for Monex Group. stated it would.

Matsumoto, the cryptocurrency market in Japan the promise of the future thinks and thinks that crypto money investors in Japan can choose Monex as one of the “few options” wants.

Monex, which has been growing both globally and as a field of activity for several years, is a cryptocurrency exchange. He also bought Coincheck.

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