This time Xbox advertised in the Vegas sphere

Microsoft has taken a bold step in Xbox advertising by leasing the Las Vegas Sphere, its newly unveiled spherical entertainment arena. The sphere features external LED displays for advertising purposes as well as a wrap-around LED display on the interior wall.

A big Xbox ball

Xbox joined the ranks of companies using the Sphere for promotions by lighting up Las Vegas with its distinctive green logo during TwitchCon. The globe’s screen showcased captivating scenes from a variety of Xbox games, including highly anticipated games like Starfield, Forza and Cyberpunk 2077, and Keanu Reeves’ iconic character Johnny Silverhand also made a brief appearance. The ad seamlessly integrated the sphere’s 3D effects, creating an immersive visual experience.

This sphere launch is in line with Xbox’s current marketing initiative “Power Your Dreams.” The campaign also includes a live-action commercial by Son Lux, who earned nominations at both the BAFTAs and Oscars for his work on “Everything Everywhere All At Once.”

Other gaming companies have also tapped into the sphere’s potential to create hype. Earlier this month, Devolver Digital used the space to showcase its co-op sandbox survival game Wizard With A Gun.

Annapurna Interactive, meanwhile, took a meta approach by placing Cocoon’s numerous orbs within the Sphere, adding to the venue’s diverse portfolio of promotional efforts.

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This Vegas-based sphere has managed to make a big splash lately and gain a foothold on social media. What are you thinking? Please don’t forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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