This NFT Token Floats With One Announcement: Made 1,200 Percent!

Larva Labs shocked the NFT world yesterday afternoon when it announced that it will sell the IP of popular non-fungiable token (NFT) project CryptoPunks to Yuga Labs, creators of Bored Ape Yacht Club. After the news, CryptoPunks started selling seriously. Here are the details…

Eyes on non fungible token (NFT) CryptoPunks again!

Second-hand market sales of the Ethereum NFT collection reached $18.8 million in the last 24 hours, marking a 1.219 percent increase over the previous 24-hour period, according to data from CryptoSlam. As we have also reported, Yuga Labs bought the Bored Ape Yacht Club for a substantial sum and made the project a celebrity favorite. Now that CryptoPunks will be under the command of this company, new investors may expect an increase in the price of this collection.

Yuga Labs has announced that it will grant IP rights to individual CryptoPunks images, as well as their Bored Ape collections, to their respective owners. This detail has been a point of contention for some CryptoPunks owners in the past, as Larva Labs previously provided unclear information about their owners’ ability to monetize their NFT footage.

Base price for CryptoPunks rises to 75 ETH

In addition to the increased sales volume, the base price for CryptoPunks, ie the price of the cheapest Crypto Punk listed on the market, has increased by 11 percent during this time to over 75 ETH (around $195,000). Larva Labs also sold its Meebits NFT project IP to Yuga Labs as part of the deal. Total meebit sales over the last 24 hours also rose to $18.5 million, representing a 529 percent increase over the previous period. The Meebits floor price rose 32 percent over the period to about 5.6 ETH ($14,500).

Meanwhile, the V1 CryptoPunks Wrapped collection (NFT based on the faulty, abandoned original CryptoPunks smart contract) has seen a 6.695 percent increase in sales over the past 24 hours. The Bored Ape Yacht Club is also benefiting from the increased momentum, with $7.3 million in NFT sales during the day.

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