This Metaverse Coin Might Enter Binance!

Bloktopia, a metaverse coin, will sell NFTs on Binance’s NFT market. This triggered hopes that Bloktopia (BLOK), which is not yet listed on Binance markets, will be listed on the largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume. We convey the details as…

Will Binance list the popular metaverse coin BLOCK?

A post by Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, brought to mind the question of whether Bloktopia (BLOK), a famous altcoin in the metaverse field, will be listed on the platform. Bloktopia is a decentralized metaverse powered by Polygon and built on this network. In Bloktopia, a decentralized virtual reality skyscraper consisting of 21 levels (as recognition of 21 million Bitcoins) acts as a central hub for users to access crypto information and comprehensive content from one place.

Bloktopias can educate themselves on the basics or more advanced crypto teachings, earn income by owning virtual real estate, play games, build networks and more. Also, advertisers and sponsors in this universe can monetize the platform’s user base through a special NFT mechanism.

Binance reported that Bloktopia-owned NFTs will go on sale on the NFT marketplace Binance announced in June 2021. NFTs will debut on January 31st. Binance also announced that they will be holding an event with Paddy Carol, the founder of Bloktopia. In addition, Bloktopia held a lottery with the sale of NFTs. BLOK is trading at $0.03 at the time of writing.

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