This Metaverse Coin Hits ATH With One News: It Made 8,600 Percent!

The SAND token of The Sandbox, one of the Metaverse coin projects, experienced a serious rise and reached an all-time high. It was instrumental in his rise that a new announcement took the community by storm. Here are the price action and the details of the announcement…

Popular metaverse coin project SAND has made ATH! So why?

The Sandbox’s virtual gaming world allows users to monetize their time in Metaverse through a win-win model. Players can purchase land and create NFTs in-game and earn Sandbox token (SAND) by completing various missions. They can also stake the token. Animoca Brands’ virtual property and gaming firm, The Sandbox, is opening up part of its Metaverse to gamers for the first time through a play-to-win (P2E) Alpha event.

According to the company’s announcement dated November 17, the event will start on November 29 at 16:00 and will continue until December 20. Only a select group of 5,000 users will have a chance to win up to 1,000 SAND (approximately $3,500 at current prices) and three exclusive NFTs over time spent in 18 individual experiences developed by The Sandbox teams. Three special NFTs will only be available during the event. They will depict a medieval-style door, a blue and black dragon, and a longsword that can be used in the Sandbox Metaverse.

Following this announcement, the SAND price rose to an all-time high of $3.63. SAND has seen a steep 8,663 percent gain in the last 12 months. As we reported earlier this month, The Sandbox closed its $93 million Series B funding round led by SoftBank Vision Fund 2.

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