This Metaverse Coin Has Signed An Important Partnership: Here are the Details!

BlockchainSpace, an ecosystem that allows GameFi guilds to scale and interact with each other, has signed an important partnership with the leading metaverse coin project Sandbox (SAND). For details keep reading.

BlockchainSpace opens its ecosystem for Metaverse coin project

According to the official announcement shared by the BlockchainSpace team, it has started a partnership with one of the largest decentralized gaming environments, The Sandbox:

We are ready to showcase our ability to scale communities for NFT games like TheSandboxGame by expanding our guild infrastructure and network! We’re excited for what’s to come.

With the new partnership, the metaverse coin project The Sandbox is now open for 680,000 players in 2,600 guilds. Previously, the two teams had already cooperated. The program allows Web3 enthusiasts to explore the islands in kalesas and jeeps and see unique examples of flora and fauna wearing historical clothing. Philippine themed NFTs will be available on PINASining: Explore the Philippines NFT collection at TheSandbox.

GUILD token auction is live on Copper

According to crypto expert Vladislav Sopov, this collaboration demonstrates the ability of a remarkable and guild-focused project for BlockchainSpace to scale and provision the infrastructure to leading GameFi ecosystems.

Currently, BlockchainSpace’s token GUILD is offered for auction on decentralized launchpad Copper. The token will be available to buyers until December 11, 2021. The expert states that throughout the entire procedure of the auction, the price of GUILD will be flexible.

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