This Metaverse Coin Has Jumped From The Board!

Axie Infinity, behind the popular metaverse coin AXS, has made its way to Apple’s App Store. After this development, the price of AXS skyrocketed. Here are the details…

Metaverse coin project, now on the App Store As we have reported, Sky Mavis, the creator of the play-to-win crypto game Axie Infinity, which became famous during the pandemic, may have taken an important step towards regaining many users lost after a turbulent 2022. The company has announced that the latest version of the blockchain-enabled Axie Infinity video game, which allows players to battle each other while collecting and trading non-fungible tokens (NFTs), or earning rewards, is available for download from Apple’s App Store.

Sky Mavis released the latest version of the game called ‘Axie Infinity’: Origins’ released last year. The company initially offers the game on the App Store in a number of countries in Latin America and Southeast Asia. Sky Mavis co-founder Jeffrey Zirlin said this limited launch will help the company “collect data on retention rates” before the eventual global launch.

After the announcement, the AXS price jumped more than 12 percent. The cryptocurrency even managed to rise from around $6.80 to $8. However, at the time of writing, it has been withdrawn to $7.55.

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