This Metaverse Coin Breaks the Big News: Its Price Has Jumped! –

Illuvium (ILV), one of the most crowded Blockchain games on the market, is preparing to release a new game version. The announcement, which marks the first quarter of 2023, is followed by the rally in metaverse coin price.

Illuvium (ILV) is releasing its first 2023 game: Illuvium Zero

The popular Blockchain game is preparing to release an Alpha version of a new game in 2023. Illuvium will thus bring its third game from its inception to the world of Blockchain.

After the new announcement, the price of Illuvium (ILV) is up around 3%. Ranked 193rd by market cap, ILV is trading 98% below its price of 2,868.95 ATH as of January. With the news of Illuvium Zero, he had the opportunity to move above the $40.00 zone.

Illuvium is an Ethereum-based Australia-based gaming company. The firm’s vision is to provide users with access to high-definition 3D games that they can play, earn and have fun using the underlying Blockchain technology. The project was started in 2020 by Aaron Warwick, Grant Warwick and Kieran Warwick.

Prior to this final game called Zero, Illuvium had the Monster battler Illuvium: Arena and the Open-world Illuvium: Overworld, but all of these were in Beta stage of development and had limited access to users.

Illuvium Zero is a mobile and PC compatible game where users can buy and manage virtual lands, build structures and sell them on the game’s marketplace, IlluviDex. The blockchain game is built on the Unreal Engine on Immutable X. Users can also download games on Android, Mac and Windows devices.

The future of web3 games and the metaverse coin market

According to Illuvium, this Alpha version of Zero will reset after the first 8 weeks of its release. This means that user data will be reset while assets such as fuel acquired in the current Season, Season 0, cannot be transferred to the next season.

In 2022, the Blockchain gaming industry invested $2.5 billion in Blockchain games in Q1 and Q2 of 2022, respectively, with the total expected investment set at $12 billion for the year. Dappradar added that in Q2 2022, 52% of uniquely active wallets (UAWs) interacting with dApps were active in Blockchain games, resulting in a total of approximately 1.1 million UWAs from Web3 games.

2022 has certainly had a series of ups and downs for the blockchain, dapp and crypto industry. Macro factors such as interest rate hikes by the US Federal Reserve, high inflation, layoffs and generally slowing economic growth have added a lot of uncertainty. Tough market conditions have largely been standard for most of the year, but that hasn’t stopped the blockchain and dapp industry from many incredible technological achievements. cryptocoin.comAs you follow, the metaverse and NFT projects have signed numerous high-level partnerships throughout the year.

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